Vertical Challenges and Visual Surprises

Pants 2.0

Pants 2.0

My friends over at Live Music Louisville turned me on to the absolutely amazing world of... well... live music. I'd been to a few concerts (read: B. Spears when I was 18), but Brittany and Aubrey showed me another experience spanning local bands in grungy bars to big name arena headliners. The music was always top notch, but the atmosphere and the crowd always added that extra magic. One of the things I knew I would miss about living in Louisville was the music scene and the people who made it so wonderful. But I made a promise to myself to continue to seek out those experiences while at home in SF (hey, Lissie, you were stellar at The Chapel!) and here in Sweden. Last night, I made good on that promise. I met a friend in Stockholm for the Lenny Kravitz show at Gröna Lund and I was reminded of a few things: Swedes are tall! Nordic people are tall! Vikings are tall! And seeing as I am none of those things, I am not tall. Though I saw very little of the show, Lenny sounded awesome live and was LOUD. The place was packed, the evening was warm and the band was excellent. And who could forget the moment of hilarity when good ol' Lenny split his pants and gave the first few rows much more of a show than they bargained for. Good laughs, good music and good people - I'm so thankful to have had these in Louisville and so excited to find them here in Sweden.